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R.K. Tongue’s Sarah Goldbach featured in ePay Industry Article!

By November 12, 2024No Comments

We’re very excited to showcase an article about online bill pay that our very own Sarah Goldbach contributed to! The article focuses on insurance payments joining the rest of the 21st century in being able to be paid online with minimal fuss!

If you’re reading this article and thinking to yourself “What’s cool about this?”, then you’ve never worked with an insurance broker! The process of sending out bills and payment paperwork wasn’t the most streamlined. There would have to be multiple back and forth’s before and after payment was received. Now with services like ePay, R.K. Tongue can house a method of payment on our website and allow customers to quickly and securely sort out their dues!

In the article Sarah was quoted as saying “We’re finding that more of our clients appreciate the ability to handle payments and paperwork in more of a self-service function.”

We’re always looking to be at the forefront of technology when it comes to convenience for our clients so we see this as a big step forward!

We encourage you to read the full article by ePay here!